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Monday, January 16, 2006

Great White Elephant-Mockingbird Speak Heap Big Bullshit

Over at firedoglake, they point out the forked-tonguedness of the "bipartisan Abramoff scandal" GOP meme that the Washington Post is trying to peddle, like so many cheap beads and blankets:

Is [the WaPo] trying to assert that the Indian tribes were just too stupid to know on their own that giving campaign contributions to Harry Reid might be a wise thing to do? Is he saying that they needed Jack Abramoff to hold them by their little Indian hands while they wrote their big Indian checks?

More reliable news organizations are quick to point out that Indian donations to Democratic candidates dropped dramatically during the Abramoff era, and it does not take tremendous gifts of deduction to conclude that this was probably the direct result of Abramoff's influence. But there is consistently a strong current of anti-Indian condescension in the Post's reporting and in Mr. Willis's assessment of the situation, and they really need to either prove that the Indian tribes would not have given this money to these Democrats if Abramoff hadn't told them to or STFU.

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